lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

The Clouds

The Clouds

It all start in the Olympus Mountain, the princess Fiona said to her friend, Aghti, that she was hungry and need something to eat, because if not she will die. (But obviously she will never die, because Fiona was the daughter of Zion the god of the sky) her friend start to laught after minutes of funny moments and some jokes they went to the kitchen to prepare two sandwiches. The two most important sandwiches of their lifes. When they arrive there, Aghti turn on the oven but the two friends dont see the damage. After turning on the oven and pay attention to the advice they start to fell a extrange smell and when Fiona turn, a extrange gas start to contaminate and Fiona like as Aghti felt in the beautiful Floor of the beautiful kitchen of the beautiful Olympus Mountain. After this beautiful coment, arrive Zion the father of Fiona with his back keeping they took Fiona and Aghti to the hospital of the Olympus mountain. There the doctor said that dont worry that they will be good, so they went to the castle were they lived and of the kitchen start to go out to much gas,Zion was so worried because his sky will have problems,He recieved a call of the prince of the Olympic Mountain saiyng him that he need he in his big big big... castle to talk. Zion was so scared because he has never went to that big big big.. castle and he has never talk to the prince except when they talk about the sky. After many time of thinking for what will the prince need him he arrive to the big big big... castle and he got lost because the castle was big after this big comment he talk with the prince (That still now we dont now the name) the prince ask him 2 things first how was her daugther and second that he need to thing something to said to the people of the Olympus Mountain because the gas. After this two questions Zion answer:"Fine prince thank you she will be better as her friend" After this answer the Big room was completly in silence the prince ask him that if all was good, Inmediatly Zion answer yes but prince there is a problem, is that I don't now what to said to the people of the Olympus Mountain The prince said a rude answer"That is not my problem was your daughter and her friend the ones who bring the problem to this beautiful Mountain I want an answer tomorrow" Now I have a meeting with Zeus we meet tomorrow here at 10:00 am. Zion was so worried about the answer he pass all the night thinking what to say. At the next morning he recieved a message that said that his sky(Because remember that Zion was the god of the sky)was so simple.After this message and missing 30 minutes to the meeting Zion got an excelent idea,After the 30 minutes he arrived to the big big big.. castle and start to talk to the prince after hours of talking they post mesages in all the mountain saying that The prince Arthur(Now we now his name!)was asking for a meet because he was going to talk in front the Citizens of the Olympus Mountain the next day the citizens were worried because the extrange gas that was feeling the sky The prince ask for silence and said:" Dont worried my friends the gas is not gas are CLOUDS! is that our friend Zion want to adornate the sky thats why the extrange gas"All the people start to scream and was so happy because The new Clouds!

6 comentarios:

LisaM-simonis-rock dijo...

Great story, I liked it a lot and very intresting characters and named be carefull with the use of past and with grammar.

ferchonas dijo...

you are missing a mith and you have to correct like 7 spelling mistakes.but your story is little bit funy and you have to improve the past simple ok?


To dijo...

Good history interesting Check The past tense =)

Brusssittto dijo...

it is agood story but you have to correct spelling and past tense

david villarraga dijo...

I liked the story a lot was very funny but please chek the past tense a lot of imaginataion.....

very good work
att: villa:D

shoen dijo...

Good story improve the spelling its funny